September 5, 2024

Allow the Brain to Popcorn



Posted by Sharmarke Hujale


1 min read

Our phones are constantly with us, from the moment we wake up until we go to bed.

And in between, they're with us in the bathroom, while eating, commuting, working out, or just relaxing.

We don't allow our brains any downtime because our phones fill every gap where our thoughts are supposed to roam freely every now and then.

Einstein was a daydreamer, spending hours on his thought experiments in quietness. But in today's society, it's hard to resist filling every silence with digital noise because technology has become so accessible.

It's with quietness that we allow ourselves the space to think and reflect. We get to meet ourselves, and you'll be surprised by how much you've drowned your thoughts.

The question remains: are we using the constant temptation of our phones to avoid facing our thoughts in solitude?

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