September 5, 2024

Build Your Digital Home


Posted by Sharmarke Hujale


1 min read

Social media today acts like public places, just online.

You've access to many people where you're free to share your ideas without much friction. That’s great, but it comes at a cost.

Everyone wants attention, and you're not guaranteed to be heard or seen. Being a citizen of the internet requires you to have your own spot, a private property that people can visit.

That's where your personal website comes into the picture. It's like a private museum, and the content inside it is like art pieces that your visitors can view at their own pace without being interrupted by the Wild West (social media).

So, use social media as a tool to distribute your ideas, make your message known, and attract like-minded people. And as you do that, don't just stop there. Invite them to your digital home. Let them see the wonders of your world.

That's where you can really deepen the relationship, just as you would invite friends over from school once you got to know and like them.

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