September 5, 2024

Write About It Before You Speak About It



Posted by Sharmarke Hujale


1 min read

Have you ever wondered why some people are more eloquent in their speech while you've got a hard time stringing two sentences together? And you can't help but to feel jealous inside.

The reason being that these people you admire seem like they've all together is because they write about it before they speak about it.

You can absorb ideas from others as you go while having a conversation, but it's through the process of writing that you gain a deeper understanding of how you think about a subject.

If you want to produce profound insights, you've to write. Because you're visibly wrestling with ideas, and you can easily track down your thought patterns. It's hard to do that when speaking.

There's also a bonus that comes from writing before speaking and that is that you get confidence in how you want to articulate your ideas since you've done the practice beforehand and the mental gymnastics.

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