Writing is like a mirror, reflecting what's going on in your unconscious—it's a way for you to see your thoughts clearly. If you want to build a relationship with it, you can enhance that connection through writing. You might ask yourself, "What should I write about?" or "I'm not a writer, so I can't see myself writing." But don't you write every day without thinking about it? Don't you text a friend or send an email to a colleague? You do these things already. The focus shouldn't be on what you write about—the focus should be on writing whatever comes to mind. What if you treated your writing like a journal entry? What if what you wrote was not for others, but for yourself to start with? Writing is a powerful tool that allows you to visualize your thoughts so they're not stuck inside your head. And trust me, you don't want them to be stuck there. Bring them to the surface—don't let them be drowned in the water.
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