April 12, 2022

Brand Authenticity


Posted by Sharmarke Hujale


1 min read

Authenticity doesn't come from appealing to the masses. It comes from presenting yourself, like yourself to a group of people who see the world the same way as you do.

How does a brand present itself as authentic? By talking about what they believe in, and what they stand for. It's that simple.

As Simon Sinek put it: "Authenticity is when you say and do the things you actually believe."

Authenticity = your beliefs + values x consistency in everything you do and say. 

"To achieve authenticity with your tribe, you have to begin with PURPOSE.", says author Marty Neumeier in his book THE BRAND FLIP. "A company's purpose simply stated, is the reason it's in business beyond making money."

So it's a failed operation when you appeal to the masses. Because you are not here to serve everyone, but someone. Your tribe. "If you have 1000 people who care deeply about what you do, that's enough.", says Seth Godin.

Today's customers want meaning, more than features and benefits. They are seeking a sense of belonging.

That can only happen if brands commit themselves to communicate who they are, and are consistent with the things they do and say in conjunction with who they are. Otherwise, it will hurt the brand's reputation in the long game.

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